(…) there are no ordinary students – everyone is talented in some areas, it just needs to be discovered and developed
History And Achievements
We are proud to call ourselves a modern and safe school as well. We have been educating students in most popular occupations for almost 50 years which makes us a school with tradition and with good educational background.
We have been actively participating in many international projects including LEONARDO DA VINCI, as well as in many international exchanges, among others with Italy, the Czech Republic and with Germany.
Every students is guaranteed placement in well-prospering and reliable companies, institutions and hotels both in country and abroad. Our students are known for achieving high levels in Economic Tournaments, Manager Tournaments, Confectioner’s and Bakery Contests.
Powiatowy Zespół Nr 4 has been for over than 50 years leading school as far as trades school in Oświęcim are concerned. We have been educating student in areas such as economics, trade, tourism and hotel management.
We have over 13000 graduates, fully experienced employees you can meet in many departments, offices, restaurants and shops.
We educate students in such fields as:
- Economics
- Trades
- Hotel Management
- Gastronomy
- Bakery
- Confectionery
As a school we are permitted to examine students in such occupations as: cook, baker, confectioner and tradesman in both trade school and technical college.
For our students we organize:
- School Career Centre
- Enterprise Day
- Hotel management tournament
- The Day of Active Learners
In the future we are planning to organize language courses which will enable our students to achieve language certificates such as TELC, TEOFL or FC. Moreover, we are planning to organize placements for our students in EU countries.
Our graduates obtain many prestigious tittles in both Subject Olympiads and Sport Competitions.
During the years 2007/2008:
- Patryk Marusza – Finalist of the Economic Tournament for High School Students
- Mirosław Zajas – Finalist of the Manager Tournament for High School Students
- Michalina Szydlik and Wojciech Roszkowski – finalists of International Gastronomy Competitions in Saints – Chamond, France
- Jerzy Borowski – Champion in the 50m freestyle in State Swimming Competition
Classrooms Laboratories
Powiatowy Zespół nr 4 Szkół Ekonomiczno-Gastronomicznych as a school has:
- modern computer laboratories
- modern laboratories for learning foreign languages
- gastronomy laboratories
- chemistry and physics laboratories
- beauty parlor
- economics laboratory etc.
The trainings for gastronomy students are conducted in such facilities as restaurants, school, pubs where students are familiarized with organizing work, functioning, trade fittings and equipment.
Particular emphasis is put on introducing students with:
- food processing
- savoir vivre and guest service techniques
- supplementary service (catering, running banquets etc.)
- management and marketing for gastronomy purposes.
During the training session for hoteliers, students are familiarized with the organizing and managering rules of hotel facilities all over Poland. The training course takes place both in the residential sector (front desk and floor service),the administrative and the maintenance departments. All trainees deal with tasks and responsibilities specific for different jobs and perfect a command of foreign languages in real situations.
Our Objectives
- we provide students with knowledge needed in their professional life
- we provide adequate conditions for developing hobbies
- we link tradition with modernity
- we guarantee comprehensive education
- we are focused on cooperation based on respect and understanding
Our Management
Headmaster: mgr Bogusława Bebak
V-ce headmasters: mgr Małgorzata Cyran, mgr Teresa Frączek
Our Address
ul. Obozowa 39
32-600 Oświęcim
website: www.pz4seg.pl
Telephone: +48 33 843 25 15
Fax: +48 33 843 07 61
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